After two months of war it seems as if the situation is clear.
After two months of war it seems as if the situation is clear. Certainty has increased. This is evident in the stock market. The stock market hates uncertainty and loves certainty to no end. Certainty can be terrible – but it is still certainty. What gave the markets a boost during the war months was […]

Since when does good news become bad for the stock market?
Since when does good news become bad for the stock market?The answer probably lies in the desire of investors to see the American interest rate go down. But as the economic data show that the situation is quite good, the consumption is not eroded, the jobs are not disappearing and the growth figures are not […]

The legal reform in Israel
Without getting into politics or the nature of the reform, I tend to think that its effect on the Israeli economy in the medium to long term will be good. I am basing some of my opinions on the ‘Aprofim Law’. ‘Aprofim verdict’. In my opinion, this is the highlight of legal ‘fouls’ that harm […]

Where will Biden invest and where will Trump invest
Just before the US presidential election and the whole world is in turmoil as to who will take the box office. Still, it is the largest and most powerful power in the world today. Will Trump be elected to a second term or will Joe Biden be ousted? I really do not know what the […]

Why do you lose money on the stock market
There is a clear answer to the question of how it is that you lose money on the stock market First you need to find out why you are investing at all. You accumulated capital, received an inheritance, won a lottery, sold a house, retired from the workplace, received compensation. The premise is that the […]

Mid-2020 and expectations
The year 2020 began with a slight drowsiness. No one knew or thought we were facing a storm devouring everyone’s cards. It started in February and continues to this day when looking ahead the solution will probably be at the end of the year or the first half of 2021. The corona virus has toppled […]

My 9 Benefits as a Private Investment Advisor
My 9 Benefits as a Private Investment Advisor:1. Objectivity and Independence2. Peace of mind3. Saving fees4. Control of commission payments5. Many years experience6. Expertise7. Service and availability8. Getting a service from a permanent investment advisor9. Consuming and analyzing information 24/7 Objectivity and Independence:As a private consultant, I provide objective – full objective advice in choosing […]

Your money costs you money
This is happening. Your money will simply cost you money. In August 1999, the central bank’s interest rate was about 13% and inflation, after years of three-digit numbers, was around 10% and slightly below that. These numbers tell us that the public has received interest on its deposits that today can only be dreamed […]

Trading on the stock exchange during non-trading hours
A person who invests in securities, whether he is a large trader or a small junk, whether he understands or does not understand anything, whether he has an active portfolio or does not know anything or half about the stock exchange, knows that in order to carry out transactions on the stock exchange – there […]

Red October
What a fear it was in October. The markets were painted bright red. Both in the share sector and in the bonds sector, sharp price declines were recorded. Again the ritual repeated itself and probably will come back in the future – there were investors who will waste and sold whatever comes into hand. Now, […]

?How does your mutual fund performance
Lots and lots of investors make considerable use of mutual funds in their portfolio. As with everything in life and in investments – the need to use mutual funds in an investment portfolio has different views. Many years ago, I thought that using mutual funds in an investment portfolio only detracted from performance and therefore […]

A portfolio from the past
Yesterday I went through the portfolios of my former clients. These are investment portfolios, most of which were conservative with limited exposure to risk assets. These are relatively established customers. Not millions, but not those hungry for bread. Over the years, I have noticed that this segment of customers is more concerned about their money […]

provident fund – WITH Personal management
The management model of personal provident fund (IRA) has existed in Israel since 2007. While there is not yet developed the Knesset Finance Committee yesterday approved the expansion of the personal management so that all employees in the economy will be able to save for retirement within the limits of the amount of deposit will […]

Israeli Children’s savings plan
edsfdfdf As you already know, at the beginning of 2017 the State of Israel will save for each child about – 50 shekels and parents shall have the right to add savings of approximately – 50 shekels more. All we have to do is choose where and who will manage the savings. An option is […]

Teva shares are traded on the Israeli Stock Exchange and Wall Street (dual share). While Wall Street’s turnover is very high in relation to the Israeli one – still – it is after all an Israeli company. Along with all the various investment instruments available today can be invested through ADR: This kind of ETF […]

Investment Advice in English
I got quite a few investors contacted me who do not know Hebrew who have asked how to Invest in Israel. investors thet Hebrew is not their mother tongue. Sometimes it comes to investors, new immigrants, who still have not learned Hebrew fluently, Or sometimes it was Jewish investors or supporters of Israel across the sea that have […]